Unveiling Crucial Proteins in Zone 2 of the Human Protein Interaction Network: Implications for Cancer Research and Therapeutic Targeting

Emad Fadhal1 , * Open Modal Authors Info & Affiliations
The Open Bioinformatics Journal 23 Oct 2023 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/0118750362270044230922112337



Protein-protein interaction networks are of great importance for understanding the complexity of biological processes and diseases, including cancer. However, detecting key proteins that regulate and mediate biological processes within these networks can be challenging due to their enormous size and complexity. Identification of these important proteins is of great importance for identifying therapeutic targets and elucidating molecular mechanisms in various types of cancer.


The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of zone 2, the central zone of the protein interaction network in humans, and to identify potential therapeutic targets for common proteins expressed in different types of cancer.


We analyze zone 2 of the human protein interaction network and identify proteins within the network that function as key regulators or mediators of biological processes. We use multiple biological databases to collect data on protein-protein interactions and cancer types. We analyze the data to obtain promising proteins for different types of cancer.


Our analysis identified several important proteins in several types of cancer. These proteins play important roles in regulating biological processes within the network.


Our approach effectively identifies essential proteins within protein-protein interaction networks across multiple cancer types. Furthermore, the identification of key proteins in zone 2 of the human protein interaction network will provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying various cancer types and pave the way for new therapeutic targets.

Keywords: Human-protein interaction networks, Signalling proteins, Central zone, Cancer biology, Drug development, Therapeutic Targeting.
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